Shawn Cav
Movies • Music • Politics • Culture
Pro Bassist, Podcaster, Political Commentator for The Whiskey Capitalist & Sippin With Shawn
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November 03, 2023
Failed Parts of Society - Sippin With Shawn

In this NEW Sippin With Shawn Episode I show 3 prime examples of parts of our failed society. Bad parents, a garbage generation, and people who lack the ability to take care of themselves. Plus I throw in a little something for @ProfSavageDad .

Be sure to visit for all my links and ways to support SWS and the rest of the TDPN shows.

Thank you for watching, and keep on sippin'!

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November 03, 2023

What's this? a new SWS episode? that's right! a short but direct episode focusing on a single article that came out by the Daily Caller. The AAP is working to push new terminology for genitalia in pediatrics... Yes, I am not making this up, I wish I was though. I share a few of the leaked presentation slides that had absolutely absurd recommendations. Check it out and remember to KEEP ON SIPPIN!

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be sure to subscribe to for only $3/month to support all 4 shows!!!!!

October 27, 2023
Sippin With Shawn - Woke Book Store EP 166

Another old Sippin With Shawn episode for your enjoyment. In this one I talk about a woke book store I visited during a family camping trip among other woke BS that was occurring in the world at that time. This one is probably from 2021. IDK I didn't date it (oops!) Recordings/Woke book Store - EP 116 Sippin With Shawn.mp4.. Enjoy!!

June 11, 2023
Nirvana Show Clip

Couldn’t post the pics and the clip. So here’s the clip!

February 05, 2024
New home for articles and written content

I created a new home for my writings. I started a substack page that will encompass elements of my first e-book, my BUZZED FEED articles, and other inspired words I feel I need to get out into the world. Here is a link to the first article I wrote which gives more details as to the articles and content that will get posted there.

January 27, 2024
Livestream tonight

I’m going to go live from rumble studio at my gig tonight to stream the first set. I’ll be streaming it to X rumble and here on locals. I’m using this as also an experiment for seeing if locals will allow me to stream longer than 30 mins or not.

Either way. Tune in and check it out. Perhaps this can be a regular thing!

January 08, 2024
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